Infectious Disease Research Institute


The Project

The team of researchers and vaccinologists at IDRI have been working hard on several promising COVID-19 vaccine and treatment technologies with partners from around the globe. Their solutions have the potential to erase several of the roadblocks associated with current COVID-19 vaccination efforts and could even protect people from future virus strains without new vaccines.

The stakes were high, and as a nonprofit organization, they needed to ensure that funding ramped up to support their critical work. We needed to help increase the visibility of their solutions and their CEO in national media outlets to attract the attention required from the industry and potential funding sources.

Our Results


Fearey went beyond the press release to highlight important milestones in IDRI’s work to both regional and national news outlets. We implemented a multi-faceted media campaign to secure interview opportunities and contributed stories for IDRI’s CEO, Dr. Corey Casper, in order to elevate his status as a thought leader in the field and give him an opportunity to share information about the organization’s work and needs.


Throughout 2020 IDRI and Dr. Corey Casper were included in over 1,500 news stories. Fearey helped develop important relationships between Dr. Casper and national reporters from USA Today, TODAY, The Atlantic, Kaiser Health News and more. Dr. Casper was also interviewed and featured multiple times in Seattle-area broadcast news stories, including with KING 5 News, KIRO Radio and KOMO Radio.