Virginia Mason Centennial

VM Article

The Project

The Fearey team studied past organizations’ centennial efforts and tracked a few media opportunities in local and national publications. While media are not always keen to cover organizational milestones, the Fearey team was determined to bring attention to our client for this momentous occasion.

Despite lots of planning, when COVID-19 hit, 2019 started to look very different. Events were cancelled; in-person celebrations were just not going to happen this year. The Fearey team had to quickly pivot in its centennial storytelling efforts so that it matched the current reality.

Our Results


Fearey successfully pitched and placed several local and national articles related to Virginia Mason’s 100-year anniversary.

These included a two-page spread in 425 Magazine; an article in Becker’s Hospital Review; a full-page article in Puget Sound Business Journal; and an article in Modern Healthcare.

Fearey prepared media briefing documents for each interview. Leading messages throughout the stories included:

  • Hard lessons learned as a result of the pandemic
  • Virginia Mason had been through a pandemic before; it was created in response to the 1918 influenza pandemic
  • Virginia Mason uses its Virginia Mason Production System, VMPS, its own management system, to find solutions to problems

Press placements resulted in a total of seven placements representing 4,336,142 impressions. Leadership was extremely thankful for the visibility.

Fearey was able to position Virginia Mason as a regional and national leader in health care, and bring the right attention to the organization as it entered its 100th year in service.