Seattle Kraken #ReleaseTheKraken


The Project

Following a campaign to build excitement around hockey in the Pacific Northwest and secure the arrival of the NHL’s 32nd franchise in Seattle come 2021, NHL Seattle, Fearey and its other marketing partners created an integrated, strategic approach to the roll-out of the brand—the Seattle Kraken— beginning many months before it was unveiled.

Our Results


In advance of the formal announcement, the organization and its PR/marketing team secured strategic embargoed interviews with international and local press, including ESPN and AP News, to own the news cycle, while the name itself would be announced via a flashy, Hollywood-style video on social media.

  • Between targeted, organic placements and pick-up of stories, Fearey was able to generate more than 2,100 media placements totaling 1.7+ billion impressions across key national, regional and local and major sports print, online and broadcast media, in the immediate wake of the announcement.
  • Along with countless Seattle-area news items and sports blogs, the news made waves in a number of mainstream national outlets including Good Morning America, TODAY, Associated Press, ESPN, Washington Post, CNN and more.