Eight Seattle Foodie Instagram Influencers You Need to Follow…Right Now

If you went to a restaurant and didn’t Instagram it, can you call yourself a foodie? The following bloggers and Instagram influencers do a great job of showcasing Seattle’s dining scene through their feeds. The Fearey Group has had the privilege of working with many of these folks over the years. You’ve been warned: Do not read this blog post before lunch.

1. @momoshares

sweedish pancakes

Serena captures the most delicious-looking Asian food in all of Seattle. From stacks of milk tea to Japanese souffle pancakes of her own creation, her feed has us drooling. Her images are professional but always engaging.

2. @stephforrer

steph forrer

Steph masterfully pulls together gorgeous content revolving around food and travel. We trust her foodie recommendations, 100%. Her photos have a great contrast between dark and light, creating a dramatic result. And…did we mention her fabulous sense of style?

3. tinyhangrytiff

frosted cupcakes

People who have fun with their food are the best kinds of people. Tiffany seems to have a love for mochi donuts, dim sum dumplings with faces and epic noodle pulls. We can dig it.

4. @nelson_eats

nelson eats

From high-end to low budget, Nelson’s page is a smorgasbord of Seattle’s best foodie finds. We love seeing him tackling the latest food challenge.

5. @annie_eatsfood

Not only does Annie visit Seattle’s foodie hotspots and take mouthwatering photos of their food, but she’s also an epic home chef as well. All shots tagged with “Annie’s Kitchen” are her own creations. We’re impressed by her meticulous plating skills, and are anxiously awaiting our invite to try her next hit dish.

6. @sea_taste_test

sea taste test

A contributor to major food page @bestfoodseattle, Erika’s page features gorgeous, curated shots of Seattle’s most tantalizing bites. Her foodie aesthetic is on point. Follow her to see dishes from a variety of cultures, comfort food and lots of doughnuts.

7. @emeraldcityeater

Bryan from Emerald City Eater has a very consistent aesthetic, which we can get behind. All of his food photos feature great lighting, stunning composition and eye-popping color. It’s enough to make us forget our diet.

8. @tdt_eats

Tony is food photography #goals. Whatever camera he is using, we need it, STAT. We’d like to bathe in the soft lighting of his feed, please.


That’s all folks! Who’d we miss? Let us know in the comments.


Follow The Fearey Group on Instagram at @thefeareygroup.