Headshot of Bailie Pelletier, Production Assistant.

The first day at a new gig is always exciting, especially when moving from one Public Relations Global Network (PRGN) partner to another (on the other side of the country, at that!).

My name is Bailie Pelletier, and I am a recent graduate of Purdue University where I studied Public Relations and Strategic Communications with a minor in Management. Before venturing out to Sunny Seattle, I spent a summer interning with PRGN partner Buchanan Public Relations in Philadelphia, PA. It was through this experience that I learned about, and connected with, the most #fearless team in the PNW — The Fearey Group.

On my first day, I was warmly welcomed by the entire team – and numerous cups of coffee. By my second day, I was able to dive right in. So much so, that my blog post is finally going up… on the fourth week of my internship. I can’t believe it has been just under a month in this new role.

In these few weeks alone, I have already acquired a vast amount of knowledge. I’ve learned more about various programs we PR professionals use, from Cision to the PR Newswire. I’ve been able to explore industries I didn’t have any prior experience in. I even learned just how many cups of coffee I can consume in one day (it’s four, if you were wondering… have to embrace that Seattle culture somehow!). On top of all of this, I’ve seen what it means to be truly fearless by working with such a talented, driven team.

Now, I eagerly await the experiences that the next four weeks, and the rest of my #FearlessInternship, throw at me. Bring it on!