From the Desk of a PR Intern …Week Five

…a blog series by Anthony Cogswell

Fearey Group Sign PicI’ve been here working here for more than a month now and out of everything I’ve learned about this industry, one particular lesson is being exemplified in a substantial way today: The more responsibility you ask for, the more you will get.

Here I sit, buried in work at 4:20 p. m. on a Tuesday afternoon – And I love it. Executing work on multiple accounts, keeping up with daily responsibilities, conducting media outreach and taking a stab at project management have left me with little time to devote toward this week’s blog post.

In a way, this is a sign that I am lucky enough to find myself working at an agency that allows its interns and employees to learn, grow and take on new responsibilities. I’ve got a ton on my plate and the funny thing is – I keep asking for more. So far, this trial by fire, learn-as-you-go environment has proved to be an invaluable method of gaining experience and testing boundaries.

My apologies for the brevity – I’ve got a lot to finish before I leave tonight. Tune in next week for a lengthy discussion involving the importance of understanding the generational changes taking place within target audiences from a PR standpoint.