Media Monday, Brandie Ahlgren, CityDog Magazine

Each Monday, we’re giving readers a chance to get to know the media a little better.

With a little flair.

Our goal is to give readers some insight into the work and work style of area journalists, and get to know a little bit about the person behind the byline. Start your week off with an online networking opportunity through our Media Monday blog post.

This Week: Brandie Ahlgren, CityDog Magazine

Brandie AhlgrenEleven years ago, Brandie Ahlgren, founder and editor of Seattle-based CityDog magazine, was introduced to an entirely new universe when Scout, an eight-week-old boxer puppy entered her life. Brandie says she’s living proof of how a dog can change your life.

The world of puppy parenting, dog-park etiquette and puppy kindergarten was a whole new experience since she didn’t grow up with dogs. Most of her information came through word-of-mouth at the dog park but she was missing a go-to resource with fresh, up-to-date content. So she developed the concept for CityDog magazine. Brandie and her team of dog-loving editors dig up the best places to sit, stay and play for you and your furry, four-legged friends.

She resides in West Seattle with her two dogs, Scout and Ziggy, and can often be found hanging out at Westcrest Dog Park.

Q: What’s the best thing about being in the Seattle media scene?

A: It’s the endless amount of stories available to share with CityDog readers. Nine years after launching, there is still no shortage of story ideas, from dog-friendly getaways to cool products to wellness and behavior tips. Plus, Seattle has a fantastic pool of freelance writers and photographers to draw from, providing the magazine with rich content and beautiful photography.

Q: How has social media changed what you do?

A: Social media is incorporated into almost everything we do, from sharing articles with readers to increasing traffic to our website. It is also an incredible tool for engaging with readers, opening a two-way dialogue versus one-way with traditional print.

Q: If you could have someone else’s job, what would it be?

A: This is tough, because I love my job, but if I had to choose, it would probably be a producer for Evening Magazine or Screaming Flea. Like publishing, video production is constantly changing, with new story ideas and fresh content. Perhaps someday there will be “CityDog TV!”

Q: Press releases: Love them or hate them?

A: Love them and definitely rely on them. However, I’m amazed at how many press releases I receive that have no relation to CityDog. It shows me that the PR person issuing the release did not bother to research the magazine — it’s a pet peeve of mine (no pun intended). I especially appreciate when a PR person takes the time to learn about CityDog, tailoring their pitches accordingly.

Q: What hidden talent or skill do you have that viewers/readers don’t know about you?

A: I’m a Scrabble junkie and quite good at finding those obscure two-letter words that rack up a bunch of points on a triple-letter square (Qi!).

The PR Pro Takeaway: Brandie is living a dog-lover’s dream, and living it well. She has launched her need for information into a viable resource. She gives great advice, and one commonly voiced on Media Monday posts; know who you’re pitching. If it doesn’t pertain to dogs, in other words if Scout and Ziggy wouldn’t care, neither would Brandie.