#FearlessInternship: Meet Karin Ellefson

karin ellefsonTwo and a half months in and my first day at Fearey still feels like yesterday.

My name is Karin Ellefson and I am the current production assistant at Fearey.  After I graduated from the College of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in December 2020, I headed back home to the Twin Cities, Minnesota to recharge after three and a half years of school, work and a little bit of fun. I knew that my next step was going to be Seattle, so that part was easy, but finding a job, not so much. I had heard that graduating in the middle of the school year might make the job search harder — add in a global pandemic, and things get even more complicated.

After a handful of months spent applying to jobs throughout the Greater Seattle Area, I was happy to see a response from a PR firm that I was genuinely excited about. After a round of interviews, I was so excited to read that email saying I was the new PA at Fearey!

Since Fearey’s office is working remotely, I was able to begin working in January, even though I was still living in Minnesota. I was nervous to start a new job completely remote since I work best in environments with a strong culture of collaboration. However, before my first day ended, every person in the company set up a “virtual coffee” one-on-one to get to know me better, and I felt right at home.

That tight-knit community feeling hasn’t left. Now that I am located in Seattle, I have had the opportunity to meet a handful of my co-workers and get to know some of the clients better, and my experience with Fearey has only gotten better. My time so far has been fast-paced, connected and fun, and am looking forward to a future with the agency!