PR in a Pandemic: Connecting with Novitas Communications

As a founding member of the Public Relations Global Network (PRGN), we value sharing and learning from agencies around the world as we support each other’s growth. In building this sense of community, we’re able to make an industry as large as PR feel more connected.

More than majestic mountains, Colorado is home to rapidly growing tech and STEM sectors. We recently got together over Zoom with Novitas Communications, our PRGN partners in Denver, to learn all about how they are making a big impact in the Colorado PR market. Elevating clients to greater heights is a tall order in the Mile High City, but Novitas soars even higher with every campaign they produce.


A screenshot of a Zoom call with 13 squares and heads of individuals
Novitas Communications and Fearey blend Denver PR with Seattle PR on Zoom 


Fearey: Can you tell us a little bit about your firm’s history?

Novitas Communications (NC): Novitas was founded in 2008 during the financial crisis to serve banking and financial services clients. Since then, we’ve remained at the forefront of the country’s and our state’s top issues, working on crisis communications and issue management for some of the most visible industry and corporate challenges.


Fearey: Why did you decide to join PRGN?

NC: We noticed many of our prospects were asking us for different services in other geographic markets. We were confident that all of the amazing firms in PRGN would supplement the work we do and help us grow our firm to reach the goals we’ve outlined. Additionally, we feel that our expertise in the western US will benefit other PRGN members and add to the PRGN community.


Fearey: What types of clients do you serve?

NC: We typically focus on three service areas: corporate communications, issue management and crisis communications for companies in highly scrutinized industries such as oil and gas, banking and financial services, healthcare, tech, etc.


Fearey: One of our mottos is “Be Fearless.” Why is your one of your mottos, “Integrity,” so important to you?

NC: In Denver, we have 150 one- and two-person PR firms. The vast majority of these shops have little to no agency experience and some of these professionals focus on PR as only an advisory role, or view PR and communications as a fallback profession. As a result, some Denver-based companies are already skeptical of PR because they haven’t worked with a team that is accountable to producing results for clients. That’s just one example of why integrity is important to me and our firm. It’s a key differentiator for us and for our clients.

Beyond that though, our business is a relationship business. Our clients turn to us at times of extreme turbulence, looking to us to make things right. We can’t do that if they don’t trust us and if we don’t always perform with integrity. Our clients might not like what we have to say, but they know they will always hear the unvarnished truth. That’s something our clients, if not love, at least respect and learn to love.


Fearey: What does your agency like to do for fun or build your team’s culture?

NC: Good question! We have lunches together and happy hour Zooms, and we take time to celebrate each employee’s birthday. We used to have in-person happy hours and fun, but COVID has really put a damper on our in-person gatherings this year. We also are volunteering together through a PRSA program called PR Paid Forward. This connects PR agencies with nonprofits to help them get a leg up in marketing and PR. It’s one of our favorite activities.


Fearey: Anything else we should know about Novitas Communcations?

NC: If you want to reach new audiences or exploring the heights your business can attain in Colorado’s market, connect with us today!


Is your firm interested in being featured in future PRGN partner spotlights? Get in touch today – we’d love to hear your story!