Quick Tips for Getting Started in Social Media

The panel at the November ISES Seattle meeting at Galvanize. Photo credit to Mike Nakamura Photography.

I had the privilege of being invited to speak on a panel at the International Special Events Society (ISES) Seattle Chapter’s November meeting. The theme of the discussion was around all things social media and digital marketing. The beautifully decorated room, at Seattle’s Galvanize, was filled with event professionals ranging from vendors to venues and everywhere in-between. Mainly small business owners, most of whom wear many hats within their company, were eager to learn tips for embracing social media to increase their bottom line.

Just a few of the tips and tricks that were shared by the panel included:

  • Social media will give back to you and your business what you put into it. Take even just a small amount of time each day to invest in your channels, and your audience will respond!
  • Grant behind-the-scenes access to your followers through social media. Give them insight into your work, clients, visions and inspiration.
  • Be social! Share content from your fellow colleagues, peers and community. Engage with your industry partners, potential clients, past clients – the more you share of others, the more your assets will be shared!
  • There is no need to be on every social media platform out there. Despite the pressure you might be feeling to hop on SnapChat for your brand, there is merit and wisdom behind knowing where your audience is and whether your investment in those platforms would be worth the effort.
  • LinkedIn is ideal for the business professional to grow their network and increase business development. Instagram is king for visual storytelling. Facebook is the best platform for targeting your audience most effectively with paid ads. Twitter can be a powerful tool for keeping up on trends, interacting with fellow peers and sharing out instant updates about your company.
  • Continue to be social on and offline. Connect with your online network in-person at social media gatherings (like SMLunch!) and be sure to connect with folks you meet around town on social.

If you too are just starting out on social media and learning to build a strategy, I recommend resources like Social Media Examiner, BufferSocial and Social Media Today to gather best practices and tips for building a plan that’s right for you. Or you can always tweet me at @Lunacielo with your questions or to grab a coffee and chat!

I couldn’t resist the opportunity to gather everyone around for a selfie. Photo credit to Mike Nakamura Photography.