Fisher Phillips attorney says Seattle’s ‘secure scheduling’ law puts businesses at risk

CFisher Phillips Law Firm logoatharine Morisset, an attorney for Fearey client Fisher Phillips was interviewed by the Puget Sound Business Journal this week about the “secure scheduling” ordinance. The Seattle City Council is expected to vote on the ordinance during Monday’s council meeting. Businesses are watching this closely because it could have a significant impact on operations, mainly restaurants.

Fisher Phillips is an employment law firm representing employers throughout the nation. Catharine works out of the firm’s Seattle office.

The proposed ordinance covers fast food restaurants, coffee shops and retailers with 500 or more employees. It also covers full-service restaurants with more than 500 staffers and 40 stores that can be located anywhere. Catharine says the proposed ordinance favors employees and is unfair to businesses. The proposal requires business managers and owners to give staff at least two weeks advanced notice of their schedules. For more details, check out the PSBJ story here.