15:1 Jermaine Kearse Foundation

Seahawks Star Wide-out Jermaine Kearse Helps Military Children Develop Business Skills

When Jermaine Kearse was searching for a focus for his foundation, he worked with The Fearey Group to create, develop and identify the course toward ...
A trip to Ethiopia

My Journey to Ethiopia: Let’s talk about those toilets!

After more than 20 hours on a few planes, the cool, moist Pacific Northwest air filled my lungs with an immediate rush of comfort and ...
The Fearey Group's Media Monday with John Cook
"New Seattle"

Media Monday: Going Digital with GeekWire’s John Cook

What’s John Cook cooking over at GeekWire? John Cook has been covering Seattle-area tech companies for more than a decade. Before co-founding GeekWire in 2011, ...
UK to exit the EU
Brexit vote

UK Brexit vote triggers global conversation

Want to hear how people from around the globe are taking the Brexit vote, go here. The Fearey Group is a co-founder of the Public ...
Instead of a corporate gift, we donate to charity.
CarePoint Site

So Much Learned, But So Much Left to Do – My Visit to Woliso, Ethiopia

Walking off a red dirt path through a make-shift barricade of corrugated metal and some wood held together by a few pieces of twine, I ...
Olivia Fuller, Summer 2016 Production Assistant at The Fearey Group
Be fearless

In the Office with Olivia

I was researching internship positions in a café in Rome during my study abroad trip when two words caught my eye: be fearless. Nearly four ...
Sports PR: Rainiers on CBS

Tacoma Rainiers to Host 2017 Triple-A All-Star Game

Sports PR: The Tacoma Rainiers and Triple-A baseball just announced that Tacoma will play host to the 2017 All-Star Game. As part of the announcement, ...
Dale DeGroff, spirits expert and master mixologist partnered with urban eatery, Bar Louie, to create a special National Martini Month menu.
Bar Louie

Bar Louie Celebrates National Martini Month with Spirits Expert Dale Degroff

Eclectic urban bar and eatery, Bar Louie (Fearey client), partnered with renowned spirits expert and master mixologist Dale DeGroff this month to uncover the true history of the ...

Meet Seattle Times technology reporter Rachel Lerman

This month marks Rachel Lerman’s one-year anniversary as a technology reporter at The Seattle Times.  The Fearey Group recently caught up with Rachel to learn more ...
CEO disconnects

I’m Disconnecting and Pressing Pause in Ethiopia for Perspective

  I’ve written a lot about work and life balance because it’s something I think about a lot. Being the best father I can be, ...